Monday 12 March 2012

Margaret Thatcher- opinions on her

"She tore this country apart. She brought in an American to help her smash the miners and the coal industry and had an American financial Guru.
She headed a bunch of useless wimps, and true to form, bloody Cameron thinks the sun shines out of her bum. To cap it all she gets hundreds of thousands of pounds a year for making personal appearances.
It's a shame she's too ga-ga now to realise how much she's hated."

"Thatcher was narcissic & self-involved. She pandered to anybody who agreed with her & vilified anybody who didn't. Tell me, what is 'remarkable' about that?
Anything which did not fit with her 'iron-lady' image, was done in secret. Anything which would enhance her was paraded for all her adoring fans to see. Tell me, what is 'remarkable' about that?
Thatcher was a celebrity politician who longed to be accepted by the wealthy & powerful (Reagan, Pinochet etc); all her posturing & policies were aimed towards achieving status for herself at the expense of the best interests of the British people. In the end, her own Party saw her for what she was: Unelectable! They kicked her out for being a failure in the eyes of the British electorate. Tell me, what is 'remarkable' about that?"

"Thatcher was nothing more than a parasite, who totally destroyed British industry, sold off everything of value belonging to the public & set us off on the road to relying on financial services.
I have nothing but total contempt for her.

An extremely divisive figure, she did the north east of England more harm than any government, until the current one. At least with Thatcher, what you saw was usually what you got - which is more than can be said for the two-faced, cut-price, snake-tongued, PR-wally who currently infests 10 Downing Street.
One of the best internet campaigns at the moment is the one calling for Thatcher's state funeral to be privatised, when the time comes. Mind you, I know plenty of people who, if it had been 30 years ago, would have been prepared to put in a bit a extra just to make sure!"

"6 years unemployed, that's what thatcher gave me, stole my youth. I have plenty to say about her... "
"A spitefull women. There will be no tears shed, upon her death. Now I would join a street party to celebrate her demise."
"Margaret Thatcher was an assassin. She was an evil bitch and started the rut that the Western world finds itself in." 
"The most loathesome and traitorous individual that this country has produced in a long, long time.
Having caused the Falklands war she then appealed to national pride ("the last resolve of the scoundrel") in order to keep it going."

Thatcher was the first 'person' I ever came to hate...
Possibly the only one.

The creature pandered and appealed to the base aspects of human nature, serving the drives of greed and selfish self-gratification at the expense of millions of citizens.
The terrible woman totally ignored that her role was to rule for a nation that spanned from Landsend to John'O'Groats. Her preference was to cosset the home counties , placate the landed and those historically dependent upon them , and finance her incomnpetence by turning the UK into a garage sale for the enrichment of her friends and those she kowtowed to. We see it over and over with the tories.
I loathe , despise and detest the vitriolic old hag. My hope that she go to hell is not just a flippant comment.
It is genuinely heartfelt...
Even an eternity spent there would be insufficient repayment for her depredations on this nation's people , industrial landscape , and national assets.
You would be correct in thinking I do not like the thing , one iota."


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