Tuesday 6 March 2012

Logo ideas

 I first of all looked at the type and worked with Franklin Gothic as I wanted to keep it heavy. I also played around with the layout of the letters and kept them fairly close together, some overlapping and some just touching. I tried keeping them in a rectangle so YFM would scale up so its the same width as FEST. I tried black and white and also reversing out the colour. I do like the white type on a black background
 I then placed the type into squares, first of all 2D and then cubes. I definitely think the white type on black works better and would work best to be placed onto prints etc. I'm not quite sure the type is right at this point but I will go back to it.
 I worked with 3D cubes and how I can create it with just lines and fills, I added a small white line to represnt the edge where the two faces meet but I've also tried without to see if a cube is still visible.
 I tried out more variations of taking away lines, edges and faces and also the sides of the stroke being blunt or sharp.
 I then went onto using the square in other ways and used diamond like shaes which could represent the top face of a cube but I don't like it as it just looks like a diamond.
Next, I looked into using the nets of a cube as a background, some with space between the faces and others as a block. The block may not be as obvious as to what the shape is. I placed the type right next to the edge of the shape so that it blends into the background but it still legible.

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