Tuesday 17 January 2012

Year book pitch

Initially we brainstormed ideas in our group of concepts we could work with. We were going to use the idea of 4, 4th year, 4 tutors, 4 columns, 4 images etc. However we thought that this idea would be too common with the studio and other people would propably be doing this as well..

So we wanted to stick with the idea of numbers still and work with characters and type and so stuck with this but steered away from just 4.

We found out the requirements and what we needed to design then divided the work into roles.

We expanded on our number idea and how we could incorporate this idea

 We came up with using the idea of 52 students, 3 years, 4th year, 4 tutors, so many visiting professionals etc. We then used this number for details like page numbering so this would would go down the right hand side of the double page spreads and would move as you flick through.

On the cover we used the commonly known numbers 0912 to represent our years on the course and proposed this would be white spot varnish on white with fluroescent orange edging which would add subtle colour bursts.

Submitted boards

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